Education & Certifications:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from The Ohio State University (2004)
  • USAW L1
  • USAW Club Coach/Director
  • SafeSport Certified
  • Brand X Youth Professional Coach
  • CrossFit L1

Coach Brandon started his CrossFit journey in 2012 at one of the lowest points in his life.  CrossFit and Jesus became the things that pulled him out of that hole physically, mentally & spiritually.  Since then, he has become more involved in the sport of Weightlifting, but still loves everything that CrossFit has to offer the everyday person.

Since coming to CTF in December of 2018, Coach Brandon has been passionate about two things: Weightlifting and youth fitness and mentorship.  He is now the Director of Olympic Weightlifting and Youth Athlete Development at CTF.

As Head Coach of Conviction Barbell, he oversees the programming, training, and competition coaching of our official USAW barbell club.  He has coached our athletes to the American Open Series at The Arnold Sports Festival, The Masters National Championships, and The Masters Pan-Am Championships.  His dream is for the sport to continue to grow on the island and to see our athletes compete at the highest level.

On the Youth Athlete Development side, Coach Brandon oversees the programming and training of our Brand X Youth Class.  This is a class for youths aged 13-18 and is aimed at developing well rounded athletes through strength and conditioning.  Coach Brandon has also had much success working 1 on 1 with youth athletes through personal training to improve their strength base for sport.  A stronger athlete is a better athlete!  The thing that Coach Brandon really loves about working with youth, is the ability to mentor them through these teenage years.  At the heart of every interaction, is the question of “what is best for this young man or woman?”