MOB: Full body
WU: 5 Pullups. 5 T2B. 200m run.
R: KB Snatch.

A. KB snatch. EMOM for 6:00:
8 KB snatch per arm at weight of choice
B. AMRAP in 25:00 of:
10 pullups
10 T2B
200m run

LIII: 6 Pullups. 6 T2B.
LII: 10 pullups and 10 T2B at subs of choice.
LI: 6 pullups and 6 T2B at subs of choice (try a more challenging option!). Run or row. Sub 300m row to prepare for WOD for RET.

PWMOB: Full body rollout.

Advanced: Wear a 20# vest.
Endurance: None