Wednesday. 3.1.17

Wednesday. 3.1.17

MOB: Full body WU: 10 Air Squats. 10 Sit Ups. 10 Flutter Kicks. 200m run C: For time: Buy In: 1 Mile Run 2 rounds of 50 Air Squats 50 Sit Ups 50 2 ct. flutter Kicks Cash Out: 1 mile run Option 1: 35 reps each round Option 2: 25 reps each round Option 3: Reps of...
Tuesday. 2.28.17

Tuesday. 2.28.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 Pull Ups. 200m run. 5 BB Back Squats S: Back Squat. Warmup and begin. 2×5@70%, 2×3@80%, 1×1@90%, 1×1@95%+. This should take no more than 20:00 and your focus should be on moving these weights EXPLOSIVELY. C: 4 RFT of: 400m run...
Monday. 2.27.17

Monday. 2.27.17

MOB: Full body WU: 200m run. 5 T2B. 5 Push Ups. 5 Ring Dips. 5 BB Strict Press. S: Strict Press. 8-6-4-2-max reps. Begin at 55% of your 1RM. Add weight as necessary. 2-3 minute rests between sets. Perform the final set of max reps at 55% of your 1RM. C: For time: 15...
Why It’s Okay To Calm The F*ck Down

Why It’s Okay To Calm The F*ck Down

by Ed Sealy Now that I have your attention, you might be wondering why the sudden outburst Ed? The reason is simple, I needed to get your attention, so that we could start to have a conversation about training. Specifically “the 4 seasons of training” and...
Friday. 2.24.17

Friday. 2.24.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB Power Cleans. 5 T2B. 5 Wallballs S: Power Cleans. EMOM for 6:00 @ 50% of your 1RM. C: AMRAP in 12:00 of: 5 Power Cleans 135/95 7 T2B 9 Wall Balls 20/14 Option 1: 115/85 Option 2: Weights of choice. 3 T2B + 4 Knees to chest. Option 3: Weights of...