Monday. 3.6.17

Monday. 3.6.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 snatch grip deadlifts. 5 Hang Power Snatch. :60 jump/double under practice S: Hang Power Snatch. EMOM for 8:00. 2 reps at 85% of 1RM. C: AMRAP in 12:00 of: 10 Snatch Grip Deadlifts 115/75 5 Hang Snatch 115/75 30 double unders (Snatch is lifters...
Friday. 3.3.17

Friday. 3.3.17

MOB: Full body WU: :60 jump rope. 4 pistols. 5 KB swings. 5 Barbell Bent Over Row S: Barbell Bent Over Row. Warmup to a medium or medium/heavy weight. Then: EMOM for 10:00. :15w/:45r Focus on “the pull” and “the squeeze” at the top. Shoot for...
Thursday. 3.2.17

Thursday. 3.2.17

MOB: Full body WU: 4 DB Snatch. 5 Burpees. 5 BB Push Press S: DB Snatch. EMOM for 8:00. 4 reps (alternating arms). Go heavy if possible. Squat or Power is fine. C: AMRAP in 2:00 10 burpees Max S2OH 95/65 Rest 2:00 AMRAP in 2:00 10 burpees Max S2OH 115/85 Rest 2:00...
Wednesday. 3.1.17

Wednesday. 3.1.17

MOB: Full body WU: 10 Air Squats. 10 Sit Ups. 10 Flutter Kicks. 200m run C: For time: Buy In: 1 Mile Run 2 rounds of 50 Air Squats 50 Sit Ups 50 2 ct. flutter Kicks Cash Out: 1 mile run Option 1: 35 reps each round Option 2: 25 reps each round Option 3: Reps of...