Tuesday. 3.28.17

Tuesday. 3.28.17

MOB: Dynamic Mobility WU: 800m run. Review movements CI: EMOM for 10:00 of: 5 hang KB Snatch per arm 53/35 rest 4 minutes CII: EMOM for 10:00 of: 10 Burpees Option 1: Weight of choice. Option 2: Weight of choice. 7 burpees. Option 3: Weight of choice. Squat thrusts...
Monday. 3.27.17

Monday. 3.27.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB Curtis P’s. 200m run. Find weight for workout. C: AMRAP in 20:00 of 200m run 2 Curtis P’s 135/95 200m run 4 Curtis P’s 200m run 6 Curtis P’s 200m run 8,10,12,14… etc. How far can you get? Option 1: 115/75 Option 2:...
Friday. 3.24.17

Friday. 3.24.17

MOB: Full body WU: Review movements S: Ring Push Ups. 5-5-5-5-5. Rest :90 between sets. All are encouraged to attempt this. Scaling Option: Lower yourself as low as you can (legs straight, hips and shoulders staying in alignment) and press out. C: 5 rounds: AMRAP in...
Thursday. 3.23.17

Thursday. 3.23.17

MOB: Full body WU: 3 rounds: :30 of double under practice/:30 rest. 5 Push Press. 5 Hang Snatch. S: Push Press. EMOM for 7:00. 2 reps at 75% of 1RM. Work on SPEED AND TECHNIQUE! C: AMRAP in 10:00 of: 30 Double Unders 10 Hang Snatch 75/55 (Squat or Power Snatch okay)...
Wednesday. 3.22.17

Wednesday. 3.22.17

MOB: Full body. WU: Review movements. Find weights. C: With a 25:00 running clock complete the following: Run 2 miles then AMRAP in the remaining time of: 6 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 4 Front Squat 135/95 2 S2OH 135/95 Option 1: Weight of choice Option 2: Run, run/walk...