Friday. 4.21.17

Friday. 4.21.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility WU: 200m run. Review movements, set up stations. S: Floor Press. 4×6@55%. 2:00 rest between efforts. C: AMRAP in 12:00 of: 5 T2B 5 C2B 200m run Option 1: 3 C2B pullups. Option 2: 3 T2B. 5 Pullups. Option 3: Subs of choice. Run/walk to the...
Thursday. 4.19.17

Thursday. 4.19.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB Strict Press. 5 RKB swings. 5 Dips. :60 of jump rope/double under practice S:Strict Press. BASE PERCENTAGES OFF 90% OF YOUR 1RM. Warm up sets: 5@40% 5@50% 3@60% Work sets: 3@70% 3@80% max reps@90%. Take 2-3 minute rests between efforts C: AMRAP...
Wednesday. 4.19.17

Wednesday. 4.19.17

MOB: Dynamic Mobility WU: 400m run. Review movements. C: 4 RFT 800m run 15 Pull Ups 30 Sit Ups 45 Air Squats THIS WORKOUT HAS A 40:00 CAP Option 1: 10 pullups Option 2: 15 pull-ups at subs of choice Option 3: 10 pull-ups at subs of choice. 20 sit-ups. 30 air squats....
Tuesday. 4.18.17

Tuesday. 4.18.17

MOB: Dynamic Mobility WU: 6 box jumps. 400m run. Review Bench Press. S: Bench Press. 5×5@70% of your 1RM. 2:00 rest between efforts. C: 4 RFT of: 10 Box Jumps* 30/24 400m Run THIS WORKOUT HAS A 16:00 CAP! *Step up/step downs recommended. Option 1: 6 box jumps at...
Monday. 4.17.17

Monday. 4.17.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility WU: Review movements S: Back Squat. BASE YOUR PERCENTAGES OFF 90% OF YOUR 1RM. Warmup Sets: 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60% Work Sets: 5@70%, 5@80%, max reps@90% C: 5 rounds for total volume moved at the following complex: 6 Deadlifts 6 Bent Over Rows 6 Hang...