Thursday. 4.13.17

Thursday. 4.13.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB strict press. 5 BB Thrusters. 200m run S: Strict Press. BASE YOUR PERCENTAGES OFF OF 90% OF YOUR 1RM AND BEGIN. WU sets: 5@40%, 5@50%, 3@60% Work sets: 5@65%, 5@75%, max reps@85% (2-3 minute rest between efforts on work sets) C: AMRAP in 12:00...
Wednesday. 4.12.17

Wednesday. 4.12.17

MOB: Dynamic Mobility. WU: Review Movements C: For time: Buy In: 1 mile run 10 rounds of: 5 leg lifts 10 hello dolly’s (keep your legs roughly 6″ from the floor and keep your head and shoulders off the ground) 10 situps Cash Out: 1 mile run THIS WORKOUT...
Why We Don’t “Demand” Loyalty

Why We Don’t “Demand” Loyalty

By Craig Hysell Loyalty is not something you can demand. Loyalty is something you must earn. This is a process which takes time and trust. From our standpoint as a business, patience, empathy, self-awareness and communication must flow freely from business to member...