Friday. 5.5.17

Friday. 5.5.17

MOB: Full body WU: 200m run. 3 barbell hang squat cleans. 3 barbell squat cleans starting at mid-shin. 4 OTB burpees. Review Close Grip Bench Press. S: Close Grip Bench Press. 5×10@40% of your Bench Press 1RM. 2-3:00 rest between efforts. C: 5 RFT of: 6 Squat...
Thursday. 5.4.17

Thursday. 5.4.17

MOB: Full body WU: 200m run. 10 wall ball shots. Review strict shoulder press. S: Strict Press. BASE YOUR PERCENTAGES OFF OF 90% OF YOUR 1RM. 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60%. Rest 2-3:00 between sets. Move with speed, technique and power. C: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:...
Wednesday. 5.3.17

Wednesday. 5.3.17

MOB: Dynamic Mobility WU: Review movements. C: 4 RFT 800m Run 20 Strict Bicycle Sit Ups (Both legs = 1 rep) 10 Weighted Sit Ups (weight held 3″-6″ in front of chest the entire time) 45/25 THIS WORKOUT HAS A 32:00 CAP Option 1: Weight of choice Option 2: 15...
Tuesday. 5.2.17

Tuesday. 5.2.17

MOB: Full body WU: 2:00 jump rope. 5 ring dips. 5 BB HPC S: Bench Press. 4×4@80%. 2-3 minute rest between efforts. C: AMRAP in 10:00 of: 30 DU’s 10 Ring Dips 5 Hang Power Cleans @40% 1RM Option 1: 5 Ring Dips Option 2: 10 Dips at sub of choice Option 3: 10...
Monday. 5.1.17

Monday. 5.1.17

MOB: Full body WU: 200m run. 5 box jumps. 5 BB deadlifts. S. Back Squat de-load. BASE YOUR PERCENTAGES OFF OF 90% OF YOUR 1RM. 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60% C: AMRAP in 12:00 of: 5 Box Jumps 24/20 10 Deadlifts 135/95 200m run Option 1: Height of choice. Option 2: Height of...