Thursday. 4.6.17

Thursday. 4.6.17

MOB: Full body WU: 200m run. 5 Strict Shoulder Press. 5 S20H. 5 HSPU. S: Strict Shoulder Press. 20:00 to find a 1RM. C: 4 RFT of: 200m run 3 S2OH @80% of today’s 1rm 15 HSPU THIS WORKOUT HAS A 12:00 CAP! Option 1: 10 HSPU Option 2: 15 HSPU at sub of choice...
Wednesday. 4.5.17

Wednesday. 4.5.17

MOB: Full body WU: Review Movements C: 5 Rounds for max reps: 1 Min ME Calorie Row 1 min rest 1 Min ME RKB swings 53/35 1 min rest 1 Min ME Air Squats 1 min rest 1 Min ME Sit Ups 1 min rest Post your totals, you should have 4 scores: row/kb/squat/situp Option 1: 44/25...
Tuesday. 4.4.17

Tuesday. 4.4.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility. WU: 5 dips. 5 burpees. 2:00 of jump rope/double under practice. Review bench press. S: Bench Press. 20:00 to find a 1RM. C: AMRAP in 12:00 of: 30 DU’s 10 Ring Dips 10 Burpees Option 1: 5 ring dips or 10 dips at sub of choice. Option 2: 20...
Monday. 4.3.17

Monday. 4.3.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB deadlifts. 5 BB back squats. 6 pull-ups. S: Back Squat. 20:00 to find a 1RM. C: AMRAP in 10:00 of: 6 Pull Ups 9 Deadlifts @40% of arm Option 1: 3 pull-ups Option 2: 6 jumping (bar 6″ below head) or band-assisted pull-ups. Option 3: Subs...
Saturday. 4.1.17

Saturday. 4.1.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility WU: Review movements C: In teams of 2! For time and max reps: Partner A: 400m run Partner B: Max rep Med Ball Goblet Squats 20/14 switch and repeat then Partner A: 400m run Partner B: Max rep Burpees switch and repeat then Partner A: 400m run...