Why Doing “The Open” Is Important

Why Doing “The Open” Is Important

By Craig Hysell I have a reason WHY I do most things. When it comes to The CrossFit Open I have to be honest, the reason I compete is not to see where I rank overall in “the sport of fitness”. (It used to be though…) That doesn’t mean you have...
Tuesday. 2.14.17

Tuesday. 2.14.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 Chin Ups. 10 Air Squats. 10 Sit Ups CI: Max rep AKB Swings. 8 rounds of :20 work/:10 rest. 53/35. CII: AMRAP in 12:00 of: 5 Chin Ups 10 air squats 20 situps Option 1: Weight of choice on KB swings. 1 Chin Up. Option 2: Weights of choice, subs of...
Monday. 2.13.17

Monday. 2.13.17

MOB: Full Body WU: 5 HSPU. 5 BB Power Cleans S: Power Clean. 20:00 to find a 1RM. C: 21-15-9 reps for time of: Power Clean 155/105 Handstand Push Ups THIS WORKOUT HAS AN 11:00 CAP. Option 1: 15-12-9 at rx’d. Option 2: 21-15-9 at weights and subs of choice....
Saturday. 2.11.17

Saturday. 2.11.17

MOB: Full Body WU: 200m run. 5 pull-ups. 5 pushups. 5 air squats. C: In Teams of 2: Running “Cindy” AMRAP in 35:00 of: Partner A: 400m Run Partner B: starts reps of Cindy When Partner A returns from the run, Partner A picks up where Partner B left off and...
Friday. 2.10.17

Friday. 2.10.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB Deadlifts. 5 BB Snatch. S: Snatch. 20 Minutes to find a 1RM. (Squat Snatch or Power Snatch: athlete’s choice) C: CrossFit Open Workout 15.1 AMRAP in 9:00 of: 15 T2B 10 Deadlifts 115/75 5 Snatches 115/75 Option 1: 10 T2B. Option 2: (This...