Monday. 4.3.17

Monday. 4.3.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB deadlifts. 5 BB back squats. 6 pull-ups. S: Back Squat. 20:00 to find a 1RM. C: AMRAP in 10:00 of: 6 Pull Ups 9 Deadlifts @40% of arm Option 1: 3 pull-ups Option 2: 6 jumping (bar 6″ below head) or band-assisted pull-ups. Option 3: Subs...
Saturday. 4.1.17

Saturday. 4.1.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility WU: Review movements C: In teams of 2! For time and max reps: Partner A: 400m run Partner B: Max rep Med Ball Goblet Squats 20/14 switch and repeat then Partner A: 400m run Partner B: Max rep Burpees switch and repeat then Partner A: 400m run...
Friday. 3.31.17

Friday. 3.31.17

MOB: Full body. WU: 5 BB Deadlifts. 5 BB Power Cleans. Warmup to weight for workout. C: Using 85% of your Power Clean 1RM perform the following: At 0:00: 6 Deadlifts At 2:00: 3 Power Cleans At 4:00: 6 Deadlifts At 6:00: 3 Power Cleans At 8:00: 6 Deadlifts At 10:00: 3...
Thursday. 3.30.17

Thursday. 3.30.17

MOB: Full body WU: 3 rounds :30 of jump rope/double under practice/ :30 of rest. Review Movements. S: Tabata Pull Ups. 8 Rounds :20 work/:10 rest C:Running “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 DU’s Sit Ups* *After completing each set of double unders + sit-ups,...
What Can You Expect This April At CTF?

What Can You Expect This April At CTF?

Army! Spring is in the air and we’re ready to kick off beach season! We have quite a few “surprises” coming your way, but here’s some things you can expect from your favorite gym starting this April. Strength is sexy! Our CrossFit group class...