Friday. 9.8.17

Friday. 9.8.17

MOB: Full body WU: Review movements S: Strict Press 5×55% 5×65% 5×75% 10 sets of 5@55%. :30 rest between sets. 2-3 minute rest between sets during the first 3 sets. Intention: Strength and hypertrophy in the strength portion, get those ligaments and...
Thursday. 9.17.17

Thursday. 9.17.17

MOB: Full body WU: Review Movements S: Deadlift 5×55% 5×65% 5+x75% (perform as many “tap and go” reps as possible at this weight in 1 set.) 5 sets of 5@55% every :30. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets on the first 3 sets. Intention: Strength and...
Wednesday. 9.5.17

Wednesday. 9.5.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility. WU: 400m run. Review movements. C: 4 RFT of: 800m run 15 Evil Wheels 96/65 20 Leg Raises THIS WORKOUT HAS A 35:00 CAP. Intention: Conditioning, trunk stability and trunk strengthening. The “evil wheel” is not strengthening your trunk...
Tuesday. 9.5.17

Tuesday. 9.5.17

MOB: Full body. WU: 2:00 of jump rope practice. Review movements. S: Bench Press. 5×55% of 1RM. 5×65%. 5 sets of 5@75%. 2-3:00 between efforts. C: AMRAP in 12:00 of: 4 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 8 Push Ups 40 DU’s Intention: On the bench press, practice...