By Craig Hysell


Very little can compare to the thrill of good competition. It can be this incredible Emotional Soup of fun, intensity, relief, anxiety, effort, exploration and discovery. It’s a high. And, with every high comes a lowering back to your new baseline.

Why is it a “new” baseline? Because you elevate your capacity for “normal” when you compete and grow! Congratulations!

So what do you do when it’s over? Coming back down can feel… well… deflating! It can get weird out there, you can even feel a little lost. But you don’t have to. Not at CTF anyway!

I encourage you to explore what you discovered about yourself during the Second Annual CTF Intramural CrossFit Open. That’s why we do it!

For some of you, it’s scheduling a personal training appointment with a coach and working on that New Skill you want to put on lockdown.

For others it’s prepping not just for our very first Spartan Race as a community in Asheville (something I’ve been wanting to put together for a very long time!), but getting onboard for what is certain to be another legendary CTF trip. (If you have never been on a trip with us… they are full of epic fun annnnd epic shenanigans.)

Be on the look out for new educational seminars, empowering courses (some old favorites and some new adventures) and a few more “just for fun” events in between.

Check out the special treat coming this April that Jake Walsh has developed and CTF will assist in to help veterans with PTSD!

And as usual, come in to the gym/community (gymmunity?) (TM) and have fun training for your next whatever with some of the best workouts and most attentive Instructors in the world. Use our workouts as practice and explore your “why” daily with them, your friends and your coaches.

Continue to have fun. Continue to explore. Continue to involve yourself in whatever opportunity strikes your fancy. Embrace your child-like curiousity fearlessly and have fun.

If it’s not fun, we’re not doing it right.