Friday. 3.17.17

Friday. 3.17.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 HSPU. 5 Pushups. 3 rounds of :30 jump rope/double under practice/:30 rest. Review weighted pull-up. S: Weighted Strict Pull Ups. 15:00 to find a 1RM. Use the weight belt, wear a weight vest, hold a dumbbell between knees, etc. Option 1: Pull-up...
Thursday. 3.16.17

Thursday. 3.16.17

MOB: Full body WU: 3 BB Power Clean. 3 BB Hang Squat Cleans. 6 T2B. 200m run S: Power Clean. 15:00 to find a 1RM. C: AMRAP in 15:00 of: 6 T2B 12 Hang Squat Cleans 115/75 200m run We encourage all of you who are doing The Open to use this workout as training and scale...
Wednesday. 3.15.17

Wednesday. 3.15.17

MOB: Full body mobility. WU: Review movements C: For time: 800m run :30 L-sit (accumulated) 30 Leg Lifts 45 Sit Ups 1 mile run 45 Sit Ups 30 Leg Lifts :30 L-sit (accumulated) 800m run Option 1: L-sit: one leg tucked. Option 2: L-sit: both legs tucked. Option 3: Subs...
Tuesday. 3.14.17

Tuesday. 3.14.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB Back squat, 5 BB Deadlift, 5 wallball shots S: Back Squat. Warmup to 65%. 3-3-3-3-3. Rest 2-3:00 between sets. Add weight as necessary. C: AMRAP in 15:00 of: 1 Deadlift at 55% or your 1RM 10 wallballs 20/14 2 Deadlifts at 55% or your 1RM 10...
Monday. 3.13.17

Monday. 3.13.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 Push Press. 5 Hang Power Snatch S: Push Press. 15:00 to a 1RM C: AMRAP in 15:00 of: 10 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 400m run Option 1: 6 at rx’d weights Option 2: 10 at 75/45 Option 3: Weights of choice. 200m run/walk or 400m row PWMOB: Lax ball...