Why Is Our Gym Better?

Why Is Our Gym Better?

by Craig Hysell Since we opened in March of 2010, we have been asked this question, “What makes your gym better than X’s gym?” at least once a week by someone. Our answer is simple: we are only better for people who need/want what we offer....
Friday. 3.10.17

Friday. 3.10.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB Snatch Balance. 5 BB Power Cleans. 200m run S: Snatch Balance. EMOM for 8:00. 3 reps @ 50%. This is SKILL WORK. Focus on speed dropping UNDER the bar. C: Do the following every 3:00 for 15:00: 3 Power Cleans @ 85% of 1rm 200m run Record your...
Thursday. 3.9.17

Thursday. 3.9.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB Strict Press. 5 BB Thrusters. 4 OTBB. 2 Bar MU S:Strict Press. 2×5@70%, 2×3@80%, 1×1@90%, 1×1@95%+ C: AMRAP in 12:00 of: 3 Bar Muscle Ups 6 Thrusters 95/65 6 OTBB Option 1: 6 C2B or 6 Pendlay Rows with thruster weight Option...
Wednesday. 3.8.17

Wednesday. 3.8.17

MOB: Full body. WU: 3 Evil Wheels. 3 4-count Hello Dollies C: For time: 800m run 10 Evil Wheels 95/65 20 4ct. Hello Dollies 800m run 10 Evil Wheels 95/65 20 4ct. Hello Dollies 800m run 10 Evil Wheels 95/65 20 4ct. Hello Dollies 800m run THERE IS NO TIME CAP FOR THIS...
Tuesday. 3.7.17

Tuesday. 3.7.17

MOB: Full body WU: 5 BB Power Cleans. 5 BB Front Squat. 5 C2B S: Front Squat. 5 reps at 50% of your 1RM EMOM for 10:00. Work on SPEED, TECHNIQUE and EXPLOSIVENESS. (How long does it take you to complete 5 squats each round?) C: AMRAP in 10:00 of: 5 C2B 5 Power Cleans...