Wednesday. 8.30.17

Wednesday. 8.30.17

MOB: Full body WU: Review movements C: 6 rounds of: Max DU’s :40 work/:20 rest Max Calorie Row :40 work/:20 rest Max Lunges :40 work/:20 rest Max RKB Swings 53/35 :40 work/:20 rest Max Burpees :40 work/:20 rest Rest 1:00 Record total reps scored for each round....
Tuesday. 8.29.17

Tuesday. 8.29.17

MOB: Full body WU: 400m run. Review movements. S: Push Jerk. 1 rep at 90% of your 1RM EMOM for 8:00. C: 4 RFT of: 10 HSPU 20 Leg raises 400m run THIS WORKOUT HAS A 17:00 CAP! Option 1: 6 HSPU Option 2: 10 HSPU at sub of choice Option 3: Subs of choice. Alternate...
Monday. 8.28.17

Monday. 8.28.17

MOB: Full body WU: 2 parking lot runs (increase speed each time, no rest between the runs). 5 BB HPC. 5 BB OHS. S: Overhead Squat. 15 minutes to find a 1RM. C: 8 rounds. Every 2 minutes perform the following: 5 Hang Power Cleans @75% of your hang power clean 1RM....
Saturday. 8.26.17

Saturday. 8.26.17

MOB: Full body WU: Review movements. C: Every 10:00 for 4 rounds: 800m run 10 Pwr. Snatches 135/95 10 OTBB Option 1: 115/75 Option 2: Weight of choice Option 3: AMRAP in 36:00 of: 400m run/walk + 10 power snatches at weight of choice or 10 AKB swings + 10 over the...
Friday. 8.25.17

Friday. 8.25.17

MOB: Dynamic mobility WU: Review movements and warmup to them. 21-15-9 reps for time of: Deadlifts 225/155 Wallballs 20/14 C2B pullups THIS WORKOUT HAS A 20:00 CAP. Option 1: 205/135 Option 2: Deadlift weight of choice. Pullup sub of choice. Option 2: Weights of...